Why Does My Saint Bernard Lick Me So Much?

Have you ever wondered why your Saint Bernard licks you so much? It’s a question that many owners of these lovable giants find themselves pondering. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons behind this slobbery habit and shed light on the fascinating bond between humans and their Saint Bernards. From affectionate gestures to communication cues, you’ll discover the delightful truth behind those wet kisses and maybe even find a new appreciation for your furry friend’s affectionate nature.


In the delightful world of dog ownership, one common and endearing behavior that many pet parents encounter is their furry friend’s penchant for licking. If you own a Saint Bernard and find yourself wondering, “Why does my Saint Bernard lick me so much?” you are not alone. Licking is a natural behavior in dogs that serves various purposes, ranging from instinctual to social and even health-related reasons. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the many possible explanations behind your lovable Saint Bernard’s excessive licking habits.

Instinctual Behavior

Licking as a form of greeting

When your Saint Bernard showers you with an abundance of slobbery licks, it’s often their way of saying hello and expressing excitement. Just as a handshake or a hug may be customary in human greetings, licking serves as a canine counterpart to establish contact and engage in social interaction. Consider it a warm “hello” from your furry pal, a way of acknowledging your presence and showing their joy at seeing you.

Licking as a way of bonding

Licking is not only a social behavior but also an avenue for Saint Bernards to build a deeper bond with their human companions. By showering you with enthusiastic licks, your dog is seeking closeness, trust, and emotional connection. This instinctual behavior dates back to their wild ancestors, who would lick to reinforce social bonds within their pack.

Licking as an expression of submission

In the world of dogs, a hierarchy exists, and licking is one way in which they demonstrate submission to a dominant figure, such as their owner. Your Saint Bernard may lick you to convey respect and deference, recognizing you as the leader of their pack. It is their way of displaying loyalty and acknowledging your role as the one in charge.

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Social Communication

Licking to show affection

When your Saint Bernard gives you a heartfelt lick, it is often an expression of love and affection. Dogs, like humans, have their own ways of demonstrating fondness, and licking is one such means for them. Through this gesture, they aim to convey their devotion, making you feel cherished and adored.

Licking to seek attention

If your beloved Saint Bernard is prone to licking excessively, it may be their way of grabbing your attention. Dogs are highly perceptive and have an uncanny ability to gauge human emotions. When they sense that you may need a little extra love or care, they may resort to licking as a subtle yet effective method of seeking your undivided focus.

Licking to request interaction

Sometimes, licking can serve as an invitation for play and interaction. Saint Bernards are intelligent creatures, and they understand that by licking, they can capture your interest and initiate enjoyable activities together. Their licks may be their way of saying, “Let’s have some fun!” or “I’d like to engage with you more.”

Taste and Sensory Stimulation

Licking as a way to taste and explore

Dogs experience the world through their senses, and their tongues play a vital role in this sensory exploration. By licking people, objects, or surfaces, your Saint Bernard can gather information about the environment they are in. It allows them to taste different scents, textures, and flavors, providing them with a deeper understanding of their surroundings.

Licking for sensory stimulation

Just as humans engage in activities like running or playing sports for enjoyment and stimulation, dogs have their own equivalent – licking. The act of licking releases endorphins, which are natural mood boosters that promote feelings of happiness and relaxation. Thus, your Saint Bernard’s excessive licking may simply be their way of indulging in a natural pleasurable sensation.

Licking as a self-calming behavior

Dogs, like humans, may experience moments of stress or anxiety. In such situations, licking acts as a self-soothing mechanism for your Saint Bernard. The repetitive motion and physical contact with their tongue against their skin can have a calming effect, helping them cope with nervousness or unease.

Grooming Behavior

Imitating grooming habits from their mother

From a young age, puppies learn essential grooming habits from their mother and littermates. As they grow older, they may retain these instincts and continue grooming behaviors themselves. Licking is a vital component of grooming, as it helps in keeping their coat clean, removing dirt, and maintaining overall hygiene. So, if your Saint Bernard licks you excessively, it may be a remnant of this learned behavior.

Keeping their pack clean through licking

Within a pack or family, grooming plays a vital role in maintaining communal harmony. Saint Bernards, known for their gentle nature, have a strong sense of social responsibility and cleanliness. When your furry companion licks you, it could be their way of reciprocating this grooming behavior, intending to keep their pack – which includes you – clean and presentable.

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Showing care and maintaining hygiene

Your lovable Saint Bernard’s licking habits may also be an exhibition of their caring nature. Dogs are highly intuitive creatures, and they often sense when their human companion is unwell. Through licking, they may try to heal wounds, soothe discomfort, or even engage in wound care. It is their instinctual way of showing concern and nurturing their pack members.

Health Reasons

Skin conditions or irritations

Excessive licking can sometimes be an indication of underlying skin conditions or irritations. If your Saint Bernard persistently licks certain areas of their body, it could be due to allergies, flea infestations, or even dry skin. Regular licking can exacerbate these issues, resulting in further discomfort. It is crucial to consult with a veterinarian to identify and address any potential health concerns.

Possibility of food particles on the skin

In their quest for scrumptious treats and meals, dogs may accidentally leave food residue on their bodies. This lingering scent can be irresistible to your scent-driven Saint Bernard, prompting them to lick the areas where food particles may be present. While harmless in small amounts, excessive licking to remove these residues may lead to skin irritation or even infections.

Seeking relief from discomfort or pain

Dogs, like humans, may experience occasional physical discomfort or pain. Licking can serve as a coping mechanism for your Saint Bernard, soothing the affected area and providing temporary relief from their discomfort. If your furry companion’s licking becomes excessive or is concentrated on a particular spot, it is essential to consult a veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

Attention-Seeking Behavior

Licking to get your attention

Saint Bernards are adoring and loyal creatures who often crave their human companion’s attention. Through licking, they can easily catch your eye and secure their spot in the limelight. Whether you are engrossed in work or otherwise occupied, their persistent licks are their way of reminding you that they are there, eager for your undivided focus.

Trying to initiate play or interaction

Your energetic Saint Bernard may resort to excessive licking as a playful invitation for action and interaction. They might be yearning for a game of fetch, a walk in the park, or simply some quality bonding time. Licking is their way of initiating contact with you and kickstarting enjoyable activities together.

Displaying anxious or needy behavior

Just like humans, dogs can experience anxiety or neediness. Excessive licking can be a behavioral manifestation of these emotions, as your Saint Bernard resorts to this repetitive action as a means of self-soothing. Pay attention to the context in which your dog licks excessively – if it occurs during stressful situations or when they are left alone, seeking professional advice may be beneficial.

Positive Reinforcement

Previous instances of receiving attention or treats

Dogs are quick learners and have an incredible ability to associate actions with positive rewards. If your Saint Bernard has received attention, treats, or affection in the past as a result of licking, they are likely to continue this behavior due to the positive reinforcement they have experienced. Be mindful of unintentionally encouraging excessive licking by inadvertently rewarding it with attention.

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Association of licking with positive rewards

In addition to previous reinforcement, dogs may associate licking with positive experiences in general. For example, if your furry friend has shared countless joyous moments with you during playtime or cuddling sessions, they may believe that licking played a crucial role in bringing about those happy instances. Such positive associations can strengthen the behavior and lead to excessive licking.

Conditioning through unintentional reinforcement

Sometimes, pet parents might unintentionally reinforce their Saint Bernard’s licking behavior. Even if the attention received as a result of excessive licking is negative, such as scolding or pushing your dog away, it still serves as reinforcement. Dogs may perceive any form of attention – positive or negative – as a reward, further enhancing the likelihood of continued licking.

Training and Habit

Licking behavior reinforced through training

While it may not seem obvious, licking behavior can inadvertently be reinforced and encouraged through training techniques. If your furry friend has received treats or affection when they displayed licking during specific training exercises, they might generalize this behavior and apply it outside of training sessions. Consistency and clear communication during training can help establish appropriate boundaries for licking behavior.

Establishing a habit over time

Just like humans fall into habits, dogs can develop habits as well. Over time, if your Saint Bernard has found consistent comfort or enjoyment in licking, it can become a regular behavior that is difficult to break. Recognizing the role of habit in excessive licking is essential when considering how to modify or manage this behavior.

Difficulties in modifying licking behavior

Modifying excessive licking behavior in Saint Bernards can be challenging, especially when it has become ingrained over time. It requires patience, consistency, and understanding. A combination of positive reinforcement for desired behaviors and redirection techniques can help alter the habit gradually. Seeking the guidance of a professional dog trainer or behaviorist may also prove beneficial in addressing and modifying excessive licking habits effectively.

Excessive Licking and Potential Issues

Possible medical problems

While licking is generally a normal canine behavior, excessive licking can sometimes indicate underlying medical issues. It is crucial to pay attention to any changes in behavior or patterns. Persistent and excessive licking, especially when focused on specific areas of the body, could be indicative of allergies, infections, or pain. Seeking veterinary advice is essential to rule out any medical concerns.

Behavioral problems and anxiety

Excessive licking can also be linked to behavioral problems or anxiety in Saint Bernards. Dogs, especially those prone to separation anxiety, may resort to repetitive behaviors like excessive licking as a way to cope with their emotional distress. Identifying the underlying cause of anxiety and implementing appropriate training, behavioral modification techniques, or even anxiety medications under the guidance of a professional can help address these issues.

Seeking professional advice if necessary

If your Saint Bernard’s excessive licking persists despite your best efforts to manage or modify the behavior, seeking professional advice is crucial. Dog trainers, behaviorists, or veterinarians can help assess the situation and provide tailored guidance and strategies to address the excessive licking effectively. It is essential to work together with these professionals to ensure the well-being and happiness of your beloved furry companion.

In conclusion, the excessive licking behavior of your lovable Saint Bernard can be attributed to a variety of reasons, including instinctual behavior, social communication, taste and sensory stimulation, grooming habits, health reasons, attention-seeking behavior, positive reinforcement, training and habit formation, and potential issues. Understanding the underlying motivations behind your furry friend’s licking can strengthen the bond between you and ensure their overall well-being. Embrace the slobbery kisses and navigate the excessive licking with patience, love, and guidance, and enjoy the delightful companionship of your adoring Saint Bernard.