What is the Average Size of a Saint Bernard?

Imagine having a furry friend with a heart as big as its size! In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of Saint Bernards, those gentle giants that never fail to capture our hearts. Talking about size, have you ever wondered how big the average Saint Bernard actually is? Whether you’re considering bringing one of these majestic dogs into your family or simply curious about their impressive proportions, we’ve got you covered. Get ready to be amazed by the incredible size of these lovable creatures!

History of Saint Bernards

Origin of the breed

The Saint Bernard breed has a rich history rooted in the Swiss Alps. These dogs are believed to have originated in the Hospice of Great St. Bernard Pass, a monastery and hospice at an elevation of 8,000 feet. Monks at the hospice utilized the dogs for various purposes, including search and rescue missions in the treacherous Alps.

Purpose of the breed

The primary purpose of Saint Bernards was to aid the monks of Great St. Bernard Pass in their rescue efforts. These dogs were trained to locate and assist travelers who had lost their way or were trapped in the snow-covered mountains. Their exceptional sense of smell and innate ability to navigate through harsh environments made them ideal for such tasks.

Famous Saint Bernards

Saint Bernards have gained fame through their heroic acts and gentle nature. Perhaps the most famous Saint Bernard of all time is “Barry,” who reportedly saved over 40 lives during his lifetime. Barry’s bravery and loyalty elevated the reputation of the breed and solidified the Saint Bernard’s position as a symbol of rescue and compassion.

Physical Characteristics

General appearance

Saint Bernards are large dogs with a sturdy and muscular build. They have a dignified presence and a friendly expression. Their facial features include a broad skull, expressive eyes, and a well-defined muzzle. The overall appearance of a Saint Bernard exudes strength and dependability.


Saint Bernards are known for their impressive size. They are considered one of the largest dog breeds in the world. Adult males typically stand between 27 to 30 inches at the shoulder, while adult females range from 25 to 28 inches. These dimensions contribute to their imposing stature and noble presence.


Due to their size, Saint Bernards are also quite hefty. Adult males generally weigh between 140 to 180 pounds, with some exceptional individuals exceeding 200 pounds. Adult females typically weigh slightly less, ranging from 120 to 140 pounds. Their weight is distributed proportionally throughout their muscular bodies.

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The build of a Saint Bernard is strong and robust, reflecting their working origins. They have a well-balanced and symmetrical structure, with a deep chest and broad back. Their legs are strong and straight, contributing to their stability and endurance. Saint Bernards possess an overall soundness of body that allows them to excel in various activities.


One of the distinguishing features of the Saint Bernard breed is their thick and dense coat. They have a double coat consisting of a soft and dense undercoat and a longer, coarser outer coat. This combination provides them with insulation and protection from harsh weather conditions. Their coat often gives them a gentle and cuddly appearance.


While many people associate Saint Bernards with the classic image of a dog with a red and white coat, their colors can vary. The breed standard recognizes various color combinations, including red and white, mahogany brindle, and white with markings such as black, brown, or gray. These different colors contribute to the unique charm and individuality of each Saint Bernard.

Breed Standards

Official breed standards

The Saint Bernard breed follows specific standards set by kennel clubs and breed organizations worldwide. These standards outline the ideal characteristics, including size, appearance, temperament, and coat colors, that a Saint Bernard should possess. Breeders and judges refer to these standards to ensure the preservation and improvement of the breed’s qualities.

Competitions and judging

Saint Bernards often participate in dog shows and competitions where their adherence to breed standards is evaluated by judges. These events provide a platform for breeders, owners, and enthusiasts to showcase their dogs and honor the long-standing traditions associated with the breed. Competitions include conformation shows, obedience trials, and working trials where the natural abilities of Saint Bernards are put to the test.

Growth and Development


During the puppy stage, Saint Bernards experience significant growth and development. They are born small and helpless, relying entirely on their mother for nourishment and care. As they grow, their size increases rapidly, and they go through various milestones, such as opening their eyes, developing coordination, and becoming more independent. Proper care and socialization during this stage are crucial for their overall well-being.


Just like human teenagers, Saint Bernards go through an adolescent phase characterized by physical and behavioral changes. This phase typically occurs between six months and two years of age and can be challenging for both the owners and the dogs. It is essential to provide them with consistent training, socialization, and exercise to ensure they develop into well-behaved adults.

Adult size

Saint Bernards reach their full adult size between 18 months and 2 years of age. At this point, their growth plates have closed, and their bodies have matured. It is important to note that even though they have attained their full size, they may continue to fill out and gain muscle mass over the next couple of years. However, their overall height and length should not change significantly beyond this stage.

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Factors Influencing Size


Genetics plays a significant role in determining the size of a Saint Bernard. The genes inherited from both parents ultimately influence how large or small an individual dog will grow. Breeders strive to select breeding pairs that possess desirable traits, including size, to produce offspring that conform to the breed standards.


Proper nutrition is vital for the healthy growth and development of Saint Bernards. Providing a balanced and nutrient-rich diet suitable for large-breed puppies is crucial during their growth stages. Adequate nourishment helps support their bones, muscles, and overall physique, ensuring they achieve their maximum potential size.


While exercise is important for all dogs, it is particularly significant for large breeds like Saint Bernards. Regular exercise, including walks, playtime, and mental stimulation, helps maintain a healthy weight, promotes muscle development, and strengthens their cardiovascular system. It is important to strike a balance between exercise and not overexerting their growing bodies.


Certain health conditions can impact the growth and size of Saint Bernards. Issues such as hormonal imbalances, joint problems, or malnutrition can potentially hinder their growth and development. Regular veterinary check-ups and proper healthcare can address these concerns early on, ensuring that the dog’s size remains within a healthy range.

Average Size of Adult Saint Bernards

Height at the shoulder

On average, adult male Saint Bernards measure between 27 to 30 inches at the shoulder. Female Saint Bernards, on the other hand, typically range from 25 to 28 inches. However, it is important to note that there can be individual variations within these ranges, and some dogs may fall slightly outside the average measurements.


Adult male Saint Bernards usually weigh between 140 to 180 pounds. Adult females generally weigh between 120 to 140 pounds. Again, individual variations can occur, and some individuals may fall outside these ranges. Responsible breeding and proper care can help ensure that Saint Bernards maintain a healthy weight.

Comparison to other breeds

When it comes to size, Saint Bernards are certainly one of the largest breeds. Their height and weight far exceed those of many other dog breeds. Standing at 30 inches tall and weighing up to 180 pounds, they are larger than popular breeds like Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds, and Labrador Retrievers. Their massive size sets them apart and contributes to their unique appeal.

Variations in Size

Litter size

Litter size can influence the eventual size of individual Saint Bernards. Larger litters tend to produce puppies that are comparatively smaller at birth due to limited resources within the womb. Contrarily, puppies from smaller litters may have access to more nutrients, resulting in potential slightly larger adult sizes. However, the individual genetic makeup and other factors ultimately play a more significant role in determining a dog’s size.

Gender differences

Males and females of the Saint Bernard breed exhibit noticeable differences in size. Adult males generally stand taller and weigh more than their female counterparts. However, it is important to note that individual variations within gender exist, and some females may grow larger than the average male. Gender alone is not the sole determinant of size in Saint Bernards.

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Individual variations

Just like humans, Saint Bernards are unique individuals with their own set of characteristics, including size. Even within the same litter and with similar genetics, these dogs can display variations in size. Some may grow larger than expected, while others may fall slightly below the average range. These individual variations contribute to the overall diversity and charm of the breed.

Practical Implications of Size

Living space requirements

The large size of Saint Bernards necessitates consideration of their living space requirements. These dogs thrive in homes with adequate indoor and outdoor space to move around comfortably. It is important to ensure that living arrangements can accommodate their size, including access to suitable sleeping areas, exercise zones, and appropriate fencing to keep them secure.

Exercise needs

Saint Bernards may be gentle giants, but they still require regular exercise to maintain both physical and mental well-being. Providing them with daily exercise, such as walks, playtime, and mental stimulation, is crucial to prevent obesity, keep their muscles strong, and engage their intellect. Engaging in moderate exercise that doesn’t overly strain their joints and bones is essential, given their size and susceptibility to certain health issues.

Feeding and healthcare

When it comes to feeding, Saint Bernards have substantial appetites. Providing a balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs is essential. It is crucial to consult with a veterinarian to determine the appropriate feeding schedule, portion sizes, and types of food suitable for their age, activity level, and overall health. Regular veterinary check-ups, vaccinations, and preventive care are also crucial to maintain their well-being.

Ensuring a Healthy Size

Proper nutrition

Optimal nutrition is key to ensuring Saint Bernards reach their healthy size potential. Providing a high-quality, age-appropriate diet that aligns with their nutritional needs is crucial. Consultation with a veterinarian or canine nutritionist can offer valuable guidance in selecting the right food and feeding schedule. Monitoring their weight and making adjustments accordingly can help maintain their ideal size throughout their life.

Regular exercise

Regular exercise is essential for Saint Bernards to prevent obesity and maintain a healthy weight. Engaging in activities that suit their age and physical capabilities, such as walks, moderate play sessions, and mental stimulation, is crucial. However, it is important to avoid overexertion, particularly during hot weather, as Saint Bernards are prone to heat-related issues due to their size and heavy coat.

Monitoring growth

Monitoring the growth of a Saint Bernard is important to ensure they remain within a healthy size range. Regular weigh-ins, measurement of height at the shoulder, and consultation with a veterinarian can help assess their progress and address any concerns promptly. It is crucial to identify any deviations from the breed standards or significant changes early on to take appropriate action.


Summary of average size

Saint Bernards are remarkable dogs known for their size and gentle nature. On average, adult males stand between 27 to 30 inches at the shoulder and weigh between 140 to 180 pounds, while adult females range from 25 to 28 inches and weigh between 120 to 140 pounds. These dimensions, along with their solid build and distinctive coat, contribute to their unique appeal and reputation as reliable working dogs.

Importance of responsible ownership

As a responsible owner, it is essential to understand the average size and specific needs of a Saint Bernard. Providing them with suitable living conditions, proper nutrition, regular exercise, and adequate healthcare is crucial for their well-being. By ensuring a healthy size through responsible ownership, you can help your Saint Bernard lead a happy, active, and fulfilling life as a beloved member of your family.