Top 10 Strongest Dog Breeds

Are you curious to discover which dog breeds are considered the strongest? Well, look no further! In this article, we will be taking a closer look at the top 10 strongest dog breeds. From their impressive strength to their incredible abilities, these dogs are sure to amaze you. And if you’ve ever wondered if any breed could outmuscle a Saint Bernard, we’re about to find out! So, get ready to be amazed by the power and strength of these magnificent canine companions.

English Mastiff

Size and strength

The English Mastiff is one of the largest and strongest dog breeds in the world. These gentle giants can reach an impressive weight of up to 220 pounds and stand as tall as 30 inches at the shoulder. Their massive size is a testament to their incredible strength, as their muscular build allows them to exert a tremendous amount of power when needed.

Historical strength

The English Mastiff has a rich history that further showcases its strength. Originating in ancient England, these dogs were initially bred for hunting and guarding purposes. They possess a strong instinct to protect their families, which can be traced back to their ancestors’ skills in guarding livestock and property. Their strength and size were advantageous traits when facing predators or intruders, making them formidable protectors.

Strength training

While the English Mastiff naturally possesses impressive strength, it is essential to provide them with proper strength training to keep their muscles strong and healthy. Engaging in regular exercise, such as daily walks or moderate play sessions, can help maintain their overall strength and prevent muscle atrophy. Additionally, incorporating activities like swimming or using tug-of-war toys can further develop their muscles and enhance their strength.


Muscular build

The Rottweiler is well-known for its substantial muscular build. These dogs have a compact and robust frame, with well-developed muscles in their shoulders, chest, and hindquarters. This muscular structure provides them with remarkable strength, enabling them to perform physically demanding tasks with ease.

Protective nature

Apart from their physical strength, Rottweilers are renowned for their protective nature. They are incredibly loyal and devoted to their families, making them excellent guard dogs. Their strength is not only displayed through their muscular build but also in their determination to protect and defend their loved ones if the need arises.

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Strength and agility

Despite their impressive strength, Rottweilers also possess remarkable agility. Their sleek and powerful physique allows them to move with grace and speed. This combination of strength and agility makes them well-suited for tasks such as agility training or participating in dog sports that require both physical power and quick reflexes.

Siberian Husky

Endurance and strength

Although Siberian Huskies may not have the same bulk and size as some other breeds on this list, they excel in endurance and strength. Bred to pull heavy sleds over long distances in harsh Arctic conditions, Huskies have incredible stamina. They can endure challenging and demanding tasks for extended periods, showcasing their impressive physical strength and endurance.

Sled-pulling abilities

Siberian Huskies are famous for their sled-pulling abilities. With their strong and well-muscled bodies, they can efficiently pull heavy loads through snow-covered terrain. This task requires not only brute strength but also coordination, teamwork, and the ability to navigate challenging landscapes. Huskies are known to pull sleds weighing hundreds of pounds, demonstrating their incredible strength and working capabilities.

Cold weather resistance

Another aspect of their strength lies in their ability to withstand extreme cold weather. Siberian Huskies have a dense double coat that keeps them warm in frigid temperatures and protects them from the harsh Arctic winds. This natural adaptation enables them to excel in snow-covered environments, where their physical strength is combined with their tolerance for cold climates.

Great Dane

Impressive size and power

The Great Dane is undoubtedly a breed that commands attention due to its immense size and power. Standing at an attractive stature of up to 32 inches at the shoulder and sometimes weighing over 150 pounds, these gentle giants are a force to be reckoned with. Their sheer size alone evokes a sense of strength and power.

Gentle giants

Despite their muscular build and formidable size, Great Danes are known for their gentle and friendly temperament. They are often described as “gentle giants” or “Scooby-Doo-like” due to their calm and pleasant nature. Despite their remarkable strength, they are typically docile and affectionate towards their families, showcasing their ability to balance strength with gentleness.

Bred for hunting and guarding

Originally bred for hunting wild boars, Great Danes were valued for their tracking and hunting abilities. Their strength and power were crucial when facing large and dangerous animals. Furthermore, they were also utilized as guard dogs due to their imposing size, as their strength and physical presence acted as a deterrent to potential intruders.

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Strong and massive

Newfoundlands are among the strongest and most massive dog breeds. They can weigh anywhere between 100 to 150 pounds, with some individuals surpassing even higher weights. Their large frame and bulkiness contribute to their overall strength, making them formidable when it comes to physical tasks.

Water rescue abilities

One of the most extraordinary displays of strength in Newfoundlands is their water rescue abilities. They have a natural affinity for swimming and are equipped with webbed feet, which enhances their propulsion in water. Their strong body enables them to brave the currents and rescue drowning individuals or provide assistance in water-related emergencies.

Drafting and carting

Newfoundlands have a long history of working alongside humans in various capacities. They were utilized for drafting and carting, where they would pull heavy loads such as lumber or supplies. Their robust build and muscular strength made them invaluable for tasks that required the transportation of heavy objects. Even today, Newfoundlands can participate in competitions or exhibitions where they showcase their impressive strength while pulling carts or sleds.

Saint Bernard

Strength and endurance

The Saint Bernard is renowned for its strength and endurance. Originally bred for rescue work in the Swiss Alps, these dogs possess phenomenal strength to navigate treacherous terrains. They are capable of carrying heavy loads over long distances, showcasing their remarkable physical abilities.

History of mountain rescue

The Saint Bernard breed has a long history of performing life-saving tasks in the mountains. Their strength and endurance allowed them to traverse deep snow and withstand harsh weather conditions. They were often employed as search and rescue dogs, utilizing their physical strength to locate and assist stranded or injured individuals in the snow-covered wilderness.

Gentle and loyal temperament

Despite their impressive strength, Saint Bernards have a gentle and loyal temperament. They are known for their love and affection towards their families, especially children. Their strength is not used aggressively, but rather to provide support and protection. Saint Bernards are often depicted as gentle giants, as they possess the perfect combination of strength and a docile nature.


Powerful guardian instincts

The Kangal breed is a powerhouse when it comes to protective and guarding instincts. Originating from Turkey, these dogs have been bred for centuries to protect livestock from predators. Their immense strength and size, combined with their innate protective nature, make them exceptional guardians.

Protective of livestock

Kangals are fiercely protective of their livestock and will not hesitate to confront any potential threat. With their muscular build and imposing presence, they can easily deter predators or intruders. Their strength serves as a deterrent, ensuring the safety of the livestock they are entrusted to protect.

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Buoyant and agile

Apart from their strength and power, Kangals are surprisingly agile. They can navigate difficult terrains with ease and exhibit impressive agility while on the move. This combination of strength and agility allows them to effectively patrol large areas of land and swiftly respond to any potential threats.


Athletic and muscular

The Boxer breed is well-known for its athletic and muscular physique. These dogs possess a well-developed chest, powerful front legs, and defined muscles throughout their bodies. Their overall build exhibits both strength and agility, making them formidable competitors in various physical activities.

Brave and energetic

Boxers are known for their boundless energy and courageous nature. They have an inherent drive to protect their families and surroundings, demonstrating their strength through their unwavering bravery. Their physical strength complements their courageous demeanor, allowing them to take on challenges with great gusto.

Used in police and military work

The Boxer’s strength and impressive capabilities have made them a popular choice for police and military work. Their power and agility enable them to excel in tasks such as tracking, search and rescue, and apprehending suspects. Boxers have proven themselves as valuable assets in these demanding fields, showcasing their physical strength alongside their intelligence and loyalty.


Strong and solid

The Bullmastiff is a robust and powerful breed that is known for its impressive physical strength. They have a solid and sturdy build, with a broad chest and strong muscles throughout their bodies. Their strength is visibly evident, providing them with the ability to handle physically demanding tasks.

Natural protectors

Bullmastiffs are natural protectors, and their strength plays a pivotal role in fulfilling this protective instinct. They are incredibly loyal and devoted to their families, and when necessary, they can use their strength to defend against potential threats. Their physical presence and strength act as a deterrent, providing a sense of security to their loved ones.

Great physical presence

Beyond their physical strength, Bullmastiffs possess a great physical presence that demands respect. Standing at an impressive height of 24 to 27 inches at the shoulder and weighing between 100 to 135 pounds, they are truly imposing dogs. Their sheer size and power contribute to their overall strength, making them both intimidating and capable of handling physically demanding tasks.

Belgian Malinois

Powerful herding breed

The Belgian Malinois is a highly versatile and powerful herding breed known for its strength. Originally bred for herding livestock, they possess the strength necessary to guide and control animals much larger than themselves. Their muscular build allows them to excel in physically demanding herding tasks, showcasing their strength and agility.

Highly intelligent and trainable

The Belgian Malinois is not only known for its physical strength but also for its high intelligence and trainability. These qualities make them highly versatile working dogs in various fields, including police work, search and rescue, and as service dogs. Their strength, combined with their ability to understand and execute complex commands, allows them to perform physically demanding tasks with precision.

Utilized in working roles

Belgian Malinois are frequently utilized in working roles that require both physical and mental strength. Their unique combination of strength, intelligence, and trainability makes them highly sought after in fields such as law enforcement, military, and search and rescue. They have proven themselves to be capable of handling intense physical tasks while maintaining focus and discipline.