The Average Size and Weight of a Saint Bernard

When it comes to large dog breeds, the Saint Bernard is often a crowd favorite. Known for their gentle nature and impressive stature, these magnificent creatures leave a lasting impression wherever they go. In this article, we will explore the average size and weight of a Saint Bernard, shedding light on just how sizable these loyal companions can be. So, if you’ve ever wondered how much room you’ll need to accommodate a Saint Bernard or if you’re simply curious about their colossal dimensions, you’ve come to the right place. Get ready to be amazed by these gentle giants!

Average Size of a Saint Bernard


When it comes to the average size of a Saint Bernard, height is an important factor to consider. These gentle giants are known for their towering stature and impressive presence. On average, a male Saint Bernard stands at a height of 27 to 30 inches (68 to 76 cm) at the withers, which is the highest point of their shoulder blades. Female Saint Bernards are slightly shorter, with an average height ranging from 25 to 28 inches (63 to 71 cm).


Along with their height, the weight of a Saint Bernard also plays a significant role in defining their size. These dogs are renowned for their incredible bulk and substantial build. On average, a male Saint Bernard weighs between 140 to 180 pounds (64 to 82 kg), while females typically weigh between 120 to 140 pounds (54 to 64 kg). However, it’s important to note that some Saint Bernards may exceed these weight ranges due to their individual genetics or specific health conditions.

Body Structure

The body structure of a Saint Bernard is truly impressive, showcasing strength, power, and grace all at once. These dogs are recognized for their muscular build and large frames, making them formidable companions. With a sturdy bone structure, their bodies are designed to handle their considerable weight, allowing them to excel in various physical activities, especially when it comes to search and rescue tasks. In addition to their impressive size, Saint Bernards also have a distinct coat that adds to their majestic appearance.

Growth Stages

Like all dogs, Saint Bernards go through various growth stages as they develop from a tiny puppy to a robust adult. These growth stages are essential in understanding their size progression and the care they require at different life stages.

Puppy Stage

During the puppy stage, Saint Bernards grow at a rapid pace. They start off small and adorable, but they quickly gain weight and height as they grow into their large bodies. It is important to ensure that they receive proper nutrition, regular exercise, and frequent vet check-ups to support their healthy growth.

Adolescent Stage

The adolescent stage is a crucial period for Saint Bernards as they continue to grow and develop. At this stage, they may experience a growth spurt, which can result in a significant increase in their height and weight. It is essential to monitor their diet and exercise routine during this time to support their healthy development and prevent any potential joint or growth-related issues.

Adult Stage

The adult stage is when Saint Bernards reach their full size and weight. By this stage, they have typically completed their growth and have attained their majestic appearance. It is important to continue providing them with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and proper healthcare to ensure they maintain a healthy weight and overall well-being throughout their adult life.

Average Height

Male Height

Male Saint Bernards are truly imposing in their height. On average, they stand at a height ranging from 27 to 30 inches (68 to 76 cm) at the withers. However, it’s important to note that some male Saint Bernards may be slightly taller or shorter than this range, depending on various factors such as genetics and individual differences. Regardless of the exact height, male Saint Bernards are undeniably majestic and attention-grabbing.

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Female Height

While slightly shorter than their male counterparts, female Saint Bernards still possess an impressive height, making them stand out in any crowd. On average, female Saint Bernards have a height ranging from 25 to 28 inches (63 to 71 cm) at the withers. Just like males, there may be slight variations within this range, but female Saint Bernards never fail to command attention and portray their gentle nature with grace.

Measurement Guidelines

To accurately measure the height of a Saint Bernard, specific guidelines need to be followed. The following measurements are essential in determining their height:


The height of a Saint Bernard is measured at the withers, which refers to the highest point of their shoulder blades. To measure their height correctly, the dog should be standing upright on a level surface, and a measuring tape or ruler should be placed vertically from the ground to the withers. This provides an accurate measurement of their height.


Another crucial measurement guideline is the shoulder height of a Saint Bernard. This measurement can be determined by the distance from the ground to the top of their shoulders, excluding the height of their head and neck. It is important to ensure the dog is in a relaxed and natural standing position while taking this measurement.

Ground to Elbow

To gain a comprehensive understanding of a Saint Bernard’s size, measuring the distance from the ground to their elbow is also important. This measurement provides an insight into their body structure and proportions, contributing to their overall size assessment.

Average Weight

Male Weight

The weight of a male Saint Bernard is undoubtedly impressive, reflecting their formidable size and strength. On average, male Saint Bernards weigh between 140 to 180 pounds (64 to 82 kg). However, it’s important to remember that not all males fall within this range, as genetics, individual differences, and other factors can contribute to variations in weight. Regardless, these gentle giants have a solid presence and an unwavering affection for their human companions.

Female Weight

Female Saint Bernards, while slightly lighter in weight compared to males, are by no means small. On average, female Saint Bernards weigh between 120 to 140 pounds (54 to 64 kg). Again, individual variations can occur, resulting in some females weighing more or less than this range. Nonetheless, their weight contributes to their overall size and presence, making them a delightful and awe-inspiring breed.

Factors Affecting Weight

The weight of a Saint Bernard can be influenced by several factors. Genetic predispositions, metabolism, diet, exercise levels, and overall health can all contribute to variations in weight within the breed. Ensuring a balanced diet, regular exercise, and routine vet check-ups are essential in maintaining a healthy weight for these dogs. Obesity can lead to various health issues, including joint problems, so it is vital to monitor their weight and provide the necessary care to keep them in optimal condition.

Body Structure

Muscular Build

Saint Bernards have a well-defined muscular build that contributes to their impressive body structure. Their muscles provide them with the strength and power needed to excel in various activities, including search and rescue work for which they are renowned. These dogs possess well-developed muscles in their limbs, shoulders, and chest, enabling them to endure physically demanding tasks while maintaining their gentle and docile nature.

Large Frame

The large frame of a Saint Bernard is a distinguishing characteristic of the breed. They have a broad and deep chest, allowing for ample lung capacity and enhanced physical endurance. Their wide shoulders and strong bone structure support their massive weight, providing a solid foundation for their well-coordinated movements. This large frame contributes to their imposing presence and reflects their significant size.

Coat Characteristics

Apart from their size, Saint Bernards are also known for their distinctive coat characteristics. They have a dense, double-layered coat that provides insulation and protection from the elements. The outer coat is typically long, straight, and coarse, while the undercoat is dense and soft. This combination helps to keep them warm in cold weather and act as a barrier against water and dirt. Their coat can come in various colors, including a combination of white with patches of red, mahogany, or brindle, further adding to their unique appearance.

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Growth Stages

Puppy Stage

The puppy stage of a Saint Bernard is filled with joy, curiosity, and rapid growth. These adorable bundles of fluff start off small but quickly gain weight and height. During this stage, it is crucial to provide them with appropriate nutrition, including a balanced diet with the necessary nutrients for their growth. Regular vet check-ups and vaccinations are essential to ensure their overall health and development. Additionally, giving them appropriate outlets for their energy through controlled exercise and playtime will help them thrive.

Adolescent Stage

As Saint Bernards enter the adolescent stage, their growth rate begins to slow down, but they still experience significant changes in their height and weight. It’s important to monitor their diet during this stage to ensure they receive the necessary nutrients without excessive caloric intake, which can lead to weight-related issues. Exercise is also crucial, as it strengthens their muscles and promotes healthy growth. Proper training and socialization during this stage are vital in shaping them into well-mannered adults.

Adult Stage

The adult stage is when Saint Bernards reach their full size and weight, typically between two to three years of age. At this stage, their growth has stabilized, and they have developed into majestic, well-proportioned dogs. Maintaining a healthy weight is important to prevent strain on their joints and minimize the risk of obesity-related health problems. Regular exercise and mental stimulation are necessary to keep them physically and mentally fit. Continued socialization and training are also essential to ensure they remain friendly and well-behaved companions.

Male Height

Range of Heights

The height of male Saint Bernards can vary within a specific range. While the average height for males is 27 to 30 inches (68 to 76 cm), it’s important to note that individual dogs may fall slightly outside this range. Some males can be taller, reaching heights of up to 32 inches (81 cm), while others may be shorter, measuring around 25 inches (63 cm) at the withers. These variations are influenced by genetics and individual differences.

Typical Height

The most common height for male Saint Bernards falls within the average range of 27 to 30 inches (68 to 76 cm) at the withers. This height allows them to showcase their imposing presence and gentle nature. Their towering stature never fails to captivate people’s attention and make them stand out in a crowd.

Size Comparison

When compared to other breeds, male Saint Bernards are undeniably large. Their average height of 27 to 30 inches (68 to 76 cm) at the withers surpasses that of many other dog breeds, making them giants among canines. The size difference is particularly evident when standing next to smaller breeds, as the Saint Bernard’s height commands attention and leaves a lasting impression.

Female Height

Range of Heights

Female Saint Bernards also have a range of heights within which they typically fall. On average, their height ranges from 25 to 28 inches (63 to 71 cm) at the withers. Similar to males, there can be slight variations in height among females due to genetic factors and individual variation. Some females might surpass the typical range, reaching heights close to 30 inches (76 cm), while others might be slightly shorter, measuring around 23 inches (58 cm).

Typical Height

The majority of female Saint Bernards generally have a height within the range of 25 to 28 inches (63 to 71 cm) at the withers. This height is significant and contributes to their overall size and presence. Although slightly shorter than the males, female Saint Bernards maintain their majestic appearance and gentle demeanor.

Size Comparison

When compared to smaller dog breeds, female Saint Bernards still exhibit a considerable size difference. Their average height ranging from 25 to 28 inches (63 to 71 cm) at the withers places them considerably above smaller dogs, making them impossible to ignore. Standing beside a female Saint Bernard, it becomes evident that these gentle giants are truly on a different scale when it comes to size.

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Measurement Guidelines


To accurately measure the height of a Saint Bernard, it is important to measure from the ground to the withers, which is the highest point of their shoulder blades. This measurement provides an accurate representation of their height. It’s crucial to have the dog stand upright on a level surface, ensuring they are in a natural position while measuring their height.


Measuring the shoulder height of a Saint Bernard assists in understanding their body structure and proportions. To measure their shoulder height, determine the distance from the ground to the top of their shoulders while excluding the height of their head and neck. It’s important to ensure the dog is relaxed and standing naturally to obtain an accurate measurement.

Ground to Elbow

Measuring the distance from the ground to the elbow of a Saint Bernard can provide insight into their body proportions and overall size. This measurement helps assess their bone structure and support system. Proper positioning and assistance may be required to ensure the dog is in a relaxed and comfortable position while taking this measurement.

Male Weight

Range of Weights

The weight of male Saint Bernards can vary within a specific range. On average, males weigh between 140 to 180 pounds (64 to 82 kg). However, some males may weigh more or less than this range, depending on individual factors such as genetics, metabolism, and overall health. It’s essential to consider the individual dog’s body condition and not solely rely on weight alone to assess their health and size.

Typical Weight

The typical weight for male Saint Bernards falls within the average range of 140 to 180 pounds (64 to 82 kg). This weight range showcases their impressively large size, emphasizing their strong and muscular build. It’s important to monitor their weight and ensure it remains within a healthy range to prevent obesity-related health problems.

Weight Comparison

When compared to other breeds, the weight of male Saint Bernards sets them apart as true giants. Weighing between 140 to 180 pounds (64 to 82 kg) on average, they significantly outweigh most other dog breeds by a considerable margin. Their weight is particularly evident when standing next to smaller breeds, further emphasizing their substantial size and presence.

Adult Stage

Fully Grown Size

By the time Saint Bernards reach the adult stage, they have achieved their full size and weight potential. Typically, this occurs between two to three years of age, although individual dogs may develop at slightly different rates. At this stage, it is important to note that their size will remain relatively stable, with only minor changes occurring as they reach their prime.

Maintaining Healthy Weight

Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial for the overall well-being of adult Saint Bernards. Obesity can lead to significant health issues, such as joint problems and heart conditions. Regular exercise, portion-controlled feeding, and a balanced diet play essential roles in keeping them fit and preventing excessive weight gain. Regular veterinary check-ups are also important to monitor their weight and ensure they remain at a healthy size.

Exercise and Activity Levels

While adult Saint Bernards have achieved their full size, this doesn’t mean they should lead a sedentary lifestyle. Regular exercise and mental stimulation are vital to keep them physically and mentally healthy. These dogs benefit from moderate exercise, such as daily walks and interactive playtime, to maintain their muscle tone and prevent weight-related issues. Additionally, engaging them in activities that stimulate their minds, such as obedience training or puzzle toys, helps satisfy their need for mental stimulation and prevents boredom. Remember, a happy and healthy Saint Bernard is one that is both physically and mentally fulfilled.

In conclusion, the average size of a Saint Bernard includes a remarkable height ranging from 27 to 30 inches for males and 25 to 28 inches for females. Their weight often falls between 140 to 180 pounds for males and 120 to 140 pounds for females. Their body structure is defined by a muscular build and large frame, complemented by their distinctive coat characteristics. Understanding the growth stages from puppy to adult is essential to provide them with the care they need at each phase. Accurate measurement guidelines for height and weight help assess their size and proportions. The adult stage marks their full growth, but maintaining a healthy weight and regular exercise remain important. With their impressive size and gentle nature, Saint Bernards continue to capture hearts and fascinate dog lovers worldwide.