How Many Different Types of Saint Bernards Exist?

Are you a dog lover with a particular interest in the majestic Saint Bernards? If so, you may find yourself wondering just how many different types of this beloved breed actually exist. Well, you’re in luck! In the world of Saint Bernards, diversity abounds. These intelligent and gentle giants come in various types, each with their own unique characteristics and traits. From the classic St. Bernard we often envision with the iconic barrel around its neck to the shorter-haired varieties, this article will take you on an exciting journey to discover the multitude of Saint Bernard types that grace our world.

Standard Saint Bernard

The Standard Saint Bernard is the most well-known and recognized type of Saint Bernard. This breed traces its origins back to the Swiss Alps, where it was originally bred for rescue missions in the treacherous mountainous regions. These magnificent dogs have a commanding presence and are known for their strength and intelligence.

Origins and history

The Standard Saint Bernard has a rich history that dates back several centuries. These dogs were originally bred by monks at the Great St Bernard Hospice, a hospice on the Swiss-Italian border. The monks selectively bred the dogs for their size, strength, and endurance, enabling them to perform rescues in the harsh alpine conditions. The breed became famous in the 19th century when they were used extensively in rescue operations.

Physical characteristics

The Standard Saint Bernard is a large and muscular breed, with males weighing between 140 to 180 pounds and females weighing between 120 to 140 pounds. They have a well-built body, deep chest, and strong legs. Their head is broad and powerful, with expressive eyes that radiate kindness and intelligence. The breed’s most distinctive feature is their broad and noble-looking head. Their coat is dense and comes in various shades of white, red, and brindle.

Temperament and personality

Standard Saint Bernards are known for their gentle and friendly nature. They are incredibly loving and loyal towards their family and are particularly patient and gentle with children. Despite their imposing size, they are not aggressive and make poor guard dogs. These dogs thrive on human companionship and love to be part of the family. They have a calm and patient temperament, which makes them excellent therapy dogs as well.

Smooth-haired Saint Bernard

The Smooth-haired Saint Bernard is a variation of the breed that is characterized by its short, smooth coat. While they share many similarities with the Standard Saint Bernard, their appearance and coat set them apart.

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Appearance and coat

Smooth-haired Saint Bernards have a sleek and shiny coat that lies close to their body. Their coat is short, dense, and requires minimal grooming compared to other varieties of Saint Bernards. Their coat colors can vary and include the classic white with red or brindle markings. They have the same muscular build and overall appearance as the Standard Saint Bernard.

Temperament and personality

Like their Standard counterparts, Smooth-haired Saint Bernards are known for their friendly and gentle temperament. They are sociable dogs that get along well with people and other animals. These dogs are loyal and loving towards their families, making them excellent family pets. They are patient, calm, and very tolerant, even in chaotic situations. Their placid nature makes them a great choice for families with young children.

Rough-haired Saint Bernard

The Rough-haired Saint Bernard is another variant of the breed that stands out with its distinct coat texture. Unlike the smooth-haired variety, these dogs have a longer and rougher coat.

Appearance and coat

Rough-haired Saint Bernards have a dense and heavy coat that is longer than that of their smooth-haired counterparts. Their coat requires more grooming and maintenance to prevent matting and tangling. The rough coat gives them a more rustic and rugged appearance. They still possess the same sturdy and muscular body structure as the other types of Saint Bernards and come in similar coat colors.

Temperament and personality

Rough-haired Saint Bernards exhibit the same friendly and gentle temperament that is characteristic of the breed. They are loyal, affectionate, and sociable dogs that love interacting with people. These dogs are known for their calm and patient nature, which makes them great companions for families. They are also known for being sensitive to their owners’ emotions and always by their side when they need comfort.

Short-haired Saint Bernard

The Short-haired Saint Bernard is a variation of the breed that, unlike its rough-haired and smooth-haired counterparts, has a shorter and coarser coat.

Appearance and coat

Short-haired Saint Bernards have a coat that lies close to their body and is coarse in texture. Their coat is not as long as that of the rough-haired variety but is still longer than the smooth-haired variety. The coat is dense and provides good protection against the cold. They have the same sturdy build and noble head as other Saint Bernards and come in various coat colors.

Temperament and personality

Like all other types of Saint Bernards, Short-haired Saint Bernards possess a friendly and gentle temperament. They are known for their affectionate and devoted nature, always seeking to please their owners. These dogs are calm and patient, making them excellent companions for families. They have a natural sense of loyalty and dedication, which makes them highly trainable and obedient.

Long-haired Saint Bernard

The Long-haired Saint Bernard is a variety that showcases the breed’s beauty with its luxurious and flowing coat.

Appearance and coat

Long-haired Saint Bernards have a stunning coat that is longer and silkier than that of the other types of Saint Bernards. Their long coat cascades down their body, particularly around the neck and tail, giving them a regal and elegant appearance. The coat requires regular grooming and maintenance to prevent matting and tangling. They possess the same robust body structure and coat colors as other Saint Bernards.

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Temperament and personality

Long-haired Saint Bernards possess the same friendly and loving temperament as other varieties of the breed. They are loyal, gentle, and thrive on human companionship. These dogs are known for their calm and patient nature, which makes them excellent therapy dogs. They are highly adaptable and do well in various family environments, from busy households to quieter ones. Their majestic appearance and gentle demeanor make them a favorite among dog lovers.

Giant Saint Bernard

The Giant Saint Bernard stands out from the other types of Saint Bernards with its impressive size and weight.

Size and weight

The Giant Saint Bernard is the largest among all the Saint Bernard variations. Males can weigh between 180 to 260 pounds, while females typically weigh between 140 to 190 pounds. Their size is truly awe-inspiring, and their majestic presence captures the attention of anyone they encounter.

Appearance and coat

In terms of appearance, the Giant Saint Bernard shares similar characteristics with the other types of Saint Bernards. They have a muscular build, deep chest, and a noble head. Their coat is dense and can come in various shades of white, red, or brindle. The Giant Saint Bernard possesses the same friendly and intelligent expression, which is characteristic of the breed.

Temperament and personality

Despite their imposing size, the Giant Saint Bernard possesses a gentle and friendly temperament. They are known for their docile and patient nature, particularly towards children. These dogs are affectionate and loyal towards their families, often forming deep bonds. Their calm and easygoing demeanor make them well-suited for families with ample space and a love for giant breeds.

Miniature Saint Bernard

The Miniature Saint Bernard is a smaller version of the breed that offers all the charm and characteristics of the Saint Bernard in a more compact package.

Size and weight

The Miniature Saint Bernard is significantly smaller than the Standard and Giant varieties. They typically weigh between 20 to 50 pounds. While they share the same physical traits and appearance as the larger Saint Bernards, they possess a size that is more manageable and suitable for families with limited space.

Appearance and coat

The Miniature Saint Bernard has the same physical features as the Standard Saint Bernard, including a muscular build, deep chest, and noble head. Their coat is dense and can come in various colors, similar to the other types of Saint Bernards. Despite their smaller size, they retain the same majestic expression as their larger counterparts.

Temperament and personality

Miniature Saint Bernards possess the same friendly and gentle temperament as the other types of the breed. They are known for their affectionate and loving nature towards their families. Despite their smaller stature, these dogs are still courageous and make great watchdogs. They are intelligent and eager to please, making them trainable and adaptable. Miniature Saint Bernards are well-suited for families looking for all the qualities of a Saint Bernard in a smaller package.

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Alpine Saint Bernard

The Alpine Saint Bernard is a variant of the breed that shares its origins and history with the Standard variety. However, they may vary in physical characteristics.

Origins and history

The Alpine Saint Bernard, like the Standard variety, traces its origins back to the Great St Bernard Hospice. The breed was initially developed by the hospice monks in the Swiss Alps. They selectively bred these dogs for their strength, endurance, and ability to perform rescue missions in the harsh alpine conditions. The Alpine Saint Bernard played a crucial role in saving lives and became synonymous with the hospice.

Physical characteristics

The Alpine Saint Bernard shares many physical characteristics with the Standard variety. However, they may have slight differences in appearance and build. They possess a sturdy and muscular body, deep chest, and a powerful head. Their coat can come in various shades and patterns, resembling the other types of Saint Bernards.

Temperament and personality

The Alpine Saint Bernard possesses the same gentle and friendly temperament that is characteristic of the breed. These dogs are known for their loyalty and devotion to their families. They have a calm and patient nature, making them excellent companions for families and individuals. The Alpine Saint Bernard thrives on human companionship and is eager to please, making them highly trainable and obedient.

Dry-mouth Saint Bernard

The Dry-mouth Saint Bernard is a variant of the breed that is characterized by its reduced drooling compared to other types of Saint Bernards.

Physical characteristics

The Dry-mouth Saint Bernard possesses the same physical characteristics and appearance as the other types of Saint Bernards. However, they have a drier mouth, which means they produce less drool. This trait can be desirable for individuals who are sensitive to excessive drooling.

Temperament and personality

Like the other types of Saint Bernards, the Dry-mouth variety has a friendly and gentle temperament. They are loving and loyal towards their families, often forming deep bonds. These dogs are known for their calm and patient nature, making them excellent family pets. Their reduced drooling is an added bonus for those who prefer a cleaner and less messy experience.

Standard Alpine Saint Bernard

The Standard Alpine Saint Bernard is a variant of the breed that combines the characteristics of the Standard and Alpine varieties.

Origins and history

The Standard Alpine Saint Bernard shares its origins and history with both the Standard and Alpine varieties. This variation is bred from a mix of the two, combining the desirable traits and characteristics of both types.

Physical characteristics

The Standard Alpine Saint Bernard has a sturdy and muscular body, deep chest, and a powerful head, much like the Standard and Alpine varieties. They possess a coat that can come in various shades and patterns, similar to the other types of Saint Bernards. The Standard Alpine Saint Bernard showcases a combination of physical traits that make it unique.

Temperament and personality

The Standard Alpine Saint Bernard exhibits the same friendly and gentle temperament as the other types of the breed. They are loyal, affectionate, and thrive on human companionship. These dogs have a calm and patient nature, making them great family pets. They are highly trainable and eager to please, making them a joy to work with. The Standard Alpine Saint Bernard is a versatile and adaptable breed that can thrive in various family environments.

In conclusion, the Saint Bernard breed offers a wide range of variations, each with its distinct characteristics and appeal. From the majestic Standard Saint Bernard to the smaller Miniature Saint Bernard, there is a type of Saint Bernard to suit every family and lifestyle. Whether you are looking for a gentle giant or a more manageable-sized companion, the Saint Bernard breed is sure to provide you with love, loyalty, and a friendly personality.