How Fast Can a Saint Bernard Run?

Have you ever wondered just how fast a Saint Bernard can run? Well, get ready to be amazed! In this article, we will explore the incredible speed and agility of these gentle giants. From their remarkable build to their impressive stride, you’ll discover just how these furry friends can surprise you with their running abilities. So, get ready to be wowed by the remarkable athleticism of the beloved Saint Bernard!

Physical Characteristics of Saint Bernards


Saint Bernards are known for their massive size. They are one of the largest dog breeds, with males typically reaching a height of 27-29 inches at the shoulder and weighing between 140-180 pounds. Females are slightly smaller, standing at 25-27 inches and weighing around 120-140 pounds. Their size alone makes them an imposing presence, and their muscular build adds to their overall strength and power.


As mentioned earlier, Saint Bernards are heavy dogs, even by large breed standards. The average weight of a male Saint Bernard ranges from 140-180 pounds, while females weigh between 120-140 pounds. These dogs have a well-developed bone structure and a substantial amount of muscle mass, which contributes to their impressive weight.

Build and Anatomy

The build and anatomy of Saint Bernards are essential to their physical capabilities. They have a robust and sturdy frame, with a broad chest, strong legs, and a deep abdomen. Their feet are large and well-padded, providing them with stability and balance. A notable feature is their well-defined head with expressive eyes and a muscular neck. Saint Bernards have a thick double coat, which enables them to withstand cold temperatures and harsh weather conditions.

Historical Background of Saint Bernards


Saint Bernards originate from the Swiss Alps, specifically from the Saint Bernard Hospice located on the Great Saint Bernard Pass. They were bred by monks in the hospice in the 17th century with the intention of creating a dog that could withstand the harsh Alpine climate and assist in search and rescue operations.

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Role as Servant Dogs

Saint Bernards gained their reputation as proficient rescue dogs due to their excellent sense of smell and ability to navigate through treacherous terrains. They were trained to find lost or injured travelers, especially during heavy snowstorms. These loyal and gentle giants would then provide warmth and comfort to those in need until help arrived.

Breed Development

Over the years, breeders selectively bred Saint Bernards to enhance their rescue capabilities and overall characteristics. Their breeding focused on improving their strength, endurance, and intelligence. Today, Saint Bernards are still recognized for their rescue abilities, although they now primarily serve as beloved family pets and therapy dogs.

Speed and Agility of Saint Bernards

General Speed

While Saint Bernards are not renowned for their speed, they can surprise you with their agility despite their massive size. Although they are not built for speed like Greyhounds or Border Collies, they can still move relatively quickly when the need arises.

Comparison to Other Breeds

When compared to more agile breeds, such as the Greyhound, Saint Bernards may not match their speed. However, it is important to remember that Saint Bernards were not primarily bred for their speed. Their strength and endurance make them better suited for endurance tasks rather than sprinting.

Factors Affecting Speed

Several factors influence a Saint Bernard’s speed, including their overall health, age, and weight. The size and weight of Saint Bernards can slightly impact their speed, as their larger bodies require more energy to move. However, with proper training and exercise, Saint Bernards can develop their physical abilities and reach their full potential.

Running Capacity of Saint Bernards

Natural Running Ability

Saint Bernards have a natural running ability, thanks to their well-built bodies and strong muscles. While they may not excel in short bursts of acceleration, they are capable of maintaining a steady pace over long distances. Their impressive endurance makes them suitable for activities like hiking and long walks.


Endurance is one of the key strengths of a Saint Bernard. Their stamina allows them to keep going for extended periods without showing signs of fatigue. This comes in handy during search and rescue missions or long-distance activities. However, it is essential to keep in mind that their endurance is best suited for moderate-paced activities rather than high-intensity sprints.

See also  The Average Size and Weight of a Saint Bernard

Purpose of Running

Running serves multiple purposes for Saint Bernards. Apart from being a form of exercise, running helps them release pent-up energy, maintain a healthy weight, and improve overall cardiovascular health. It also stimulates their minds and provides mental stimulation. Furthermore, running allows Saint Bernards to explore their surroundings and bond with their owners.

Training and Exercise for Saint Bernards

Importance of Exercise

Regular exercise is crucial for a Saint Bernard’s physical and mental well-being. Engaging in activities that get their heart rate up, such as running and walking, helps maintain a healthy weight, prevent obesity-related health issues, and keeps their muscles toned. Exercise also provides an outlet for their energy, preventing destructive behavior due to boredom.

Training for Speed

While Saint Bernards may not be specifically trained for speed like racing or agility breeds, they can still benefit from basic obedience training and conditioning exercises. Training can improve their overall physical abilities, including speed and agility. Incorporating activities such as interval training and obedience drills can help enhance a Saint Bernard’s running capacity.

Taking Care of Their Joints

Due to their larger size and weight, Saint Bernards are predisposed to joint problems such as hip dysplasia and arthritis. It is crucial to take extra care when exercising them to minimize the risk of joint injuries. Avoid high-impact exercises on hard surfaces and opt for activities that are gentler on their joints, such as swimming or walking on soft terrain.

Records and Achievements

Fastest Saint Bernard on Record

While the Saint Bernard breed is not typically associated with speed records, individual dogs have showcased impressive running abilities. The fastest recorded speed of a Saint Bernard is approximately 22 miles per hour. While this may not be as fast as some other breeds, it is still noteworthy considering their large size and endurance-oriented nature.

Notable Achievements in Racing and Agility Competitions

Although not commonly seen in racing and agility competitions, Saint Bernards have participated and managed to showcase their capabilities. Their size and stability make them well-suited for activities that involve obstacles and challenges. While they may not be the fastest on the course, their determination and teamwork with their handlers are commendable.

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Running with Saint Bernards

Considerations for Running

Before running with a Saint Bernard, it is important to consider their individual health and fitness level. Start with shorter distances and gradually increase the intensity and duration of the runs. Pay attention to signs of fatigue or discomfort and adjust accordingly. Consult with a veterinarian for guidance on suitable running routines for your Saint Bernard.

Finding Suitable Routes

When running with a Saint Bernard, choose routes that are safe and suitable for their size and exercise requirements. Opt for trails or paths with moderate terrain and avoid surfaces that could be harmful to their joints. It is also important to consider the weather conditions and ensure your Saint Bernard stays hydrated throughout the run.

Safety Tips

To ensure a safe and enjoyable running experience for both you and your Saint Bernard, consider the following tips:

  • Use a well-fitting harness instead of a collar to reduce strain on their neck.
  • Carry collapsible water bowls and plenty of water to keep your Saint Bernard hydrated.
  • Run during cooler times of the day to prevent overheating.
  • Pace yourself and adapt to your Saint Bernard’s running abilities.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and potential hazards.

Common Myths and Misconceptions

Saint Bernards Cannot Run at All

Contrary to popular belief, Saint Bernards are capable runners. While they may not possess the same speed and agility as some smaller breeds, they are still capable of running and maintaining a steady pace. With proper training and conditioning, they can develop their running abilities.

They are Slow and Lethargic

Another misconception is that Saint Bernards are slow and lethargic. While they may have a calm and gentle demeanor, they are not inherently lazy dogs. With appropriate exercise and mental stimulation, Saint Bernards can lead active and energetic lives. They may not be as quick as some breeds, but their endurance and strength make up for it.

Activities Suitable for Saint Bernards

Hiking and Backpacking

Saint Bernards excel in activities like hiking and backpacking. Their endurance allows them to tackle long distance trails, and their size provides stability on rugged terrains. This particular activity allows them to bond with their owners while exploring nature.


Saint Bernards have a history of carting, where they were traditionally used to pull carts loaded with supplies. Engaging in carting activities harnesses their strength and provides them with a purposeful and fulfilling task.

Winter Sports

Saint Bernards are well-suited for winter sports due to their thick double coat and natural tolerance to cold weather. Activities such as skijoring (cross-country skiing with a dog) or pulling sleds can be enjoyed by both the owner and the dog.


In conclusion, while Saint Bernards may not be known for their exceptional speed, they possess a unique set of physical abilities that make them remarkable. Their substantial size, strength, and endurance enable them to excel in activities that require stamina and resilience. With the right training, exercise, and care, Saint Bernards can reach their full running capacity and continue to impress with their remarkable capabilities. So, next time you see a Saint Bernard lumbering along, appreciate the incredible potential for running that lies within those gentle giants.