How Big Does a Saint Bernard Get

Have you ever wondered just how big a Saint Bernard can get? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we will explore the remarkable size of these gentle giants. From their towering height to their massive weight, we will uncover the true dimensions of this beloved breed. So, if you’re ready to be amazed by the sheer size of a Saint Bernard, let’s get started!


General information about Saint Bernards

Saint Bernards are a majestic and lovable breed known for their enormous size and gentle nature. With a history that dates back several centuries, these dogs were originally bred to work as rescue dogs in the Swiss Alps, helping to find lost travelers in the snow. Today, they are cherished as family pets, therapy dogs, and even search and rescue dogs. Saint Bernards are known for their loyalty, intelligence, and kindness, making them a popular choice for many dog lovers.

Appearance and characteristics of Saint Bernards

One look at a Saint Bernard and it’s hard not to be in awe of their majestic appearance. These dogs are large and muscular, with a strong build that conveys both power and grace. They have a distinctive broad head, expressive eyes, and a gentle expression that seems to melt the hearts of everyone they encounter. Saint Bernards have a dense, waterproof coat that allows them to thrive in colder climates. Their coat can be smooth or rough, with colors ranging from white with red markings to brindle and mahogany.

Average Size

Estimate of average size of adult Saint Bernards

When it comes to describing the size of a Saint Bernard, the word “big” doesn’t quite do justice. These gentle giants are one of the largest dog breeds in the world, with males typically reaching a height of 27-30 inches at the shoulder and weighing between 140-180 pounds. Females, on the other hand, are slightly smaller, usually standing at 25-28 inches tall and weighing around 120-140 pounds. It’s important to note that these are just averages, and individual dogs may vary in size.

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Variation in size within the breed

While there is a general average size range for Saint Bernards, it’s important to acknowledge the significant variation that can occur within the breed. Just like humans, dogs come in different shapes and sizes, and Saint Bernards are no exception. Some individuals may fall on the smaller end of the size spectrum, while others may grow to be larger than average. It’s essential for prospective owners to understand and appreciate this variation before bringing a Saint Bernard into their home.

Growth Rate

Puppyhood growth stages

As with all dog breeds, Saint Bernards go through various growth stages during their puppyhood. During the first few weeks, puppies experience rapid growth, both in terms of size and weight. As they continue to grow, their bones and muscles develop, and their bodies start to take on a more adult appearance. It’s important to provide a balanced diet and appropriate exercise during this crucial growth period to ensure healthy development.

When Saint Bernards stop growing

Saint Bernards generally reach their full height and weight between 18 months to 2 years of age. However, it’s important to note that their growth plates may not fully close until they are around 2-2.5 years old. This means that while they may have reached their adult size, their bones may still be maturing. It’s crucial to consult with a veterinarian to ensure proper monitoring of their growth and development during this time.

Factors Affecting Size

Genetics and hereditary factors

Genetics play a significant role in determining the size of a Saint Bernard. Size is often inherited from the parents, so it’s essential to understand the lineage and breeding history of a puppy before making a decision. Responsible breeders carefully select their breeding pairs to ensure healthy and standard-sized puppies. However, it’s important to note that even with careful breeding, there can still be variation in size within a litter due to the complexities of genetics.

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Nutrition and diet

Proper nutrition is vital for the healthy growth and development of any dog, and Saint Bernards are no exception. Providing a high-quality, balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs is essential to support their bone and muscle growth. It’s important to consult with a veterinarian to determine the appropriate feeding strategy, considering the size and activity level of your Saint Bernard. Overfeeding or feeding low-quality food can lead to excessive weight gain and potential health issues.

Health and exercise

Maintaining a healthy weight and overall well-being is crucial for a Saint Bernard’s size. Regular exercise is essential but should be done in moderation to avoid putting excessive strain on their growing bodies. It’s important to engage in activities that promote muscle development, such as controlled walks or swimming. Additionally, regular vet check-ups and preventive care are essential to catch any potential health issues early on and ensure optimal growth and development.

Breed Standards

Official breed standards for Saint Bernards

The breed standards for Saint Bernards are established by reputable kennel clubs and breed organizations worldwide. These standards outline the desired characteristics and physical attributes of the breed, including size, proportion, and temperament. According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), the ideal height for a male Saint Bernard is 28-30 inches, while for females, it is 26-28 inches. The AKC also emphasizes the importance of balance, substance, and overall soundness when evaluating Saint Bernards in the show ring.

Biggest Saint Bernard on Record

Information about the largest recorded Saint Bernard

When it comes to discussing the size of Saint Bernards, it’s impossible not to mention the largest-known individual of the breed. The record for the biggest Saint Bernard is held by a dog named Benedictine, who weighed a colossal 366 pounds! Benedictine, also known as Ben, captured the hearts of many with his gentle nature and impressive size. While Ben’s extraordinary size is undoubtedly exceptional, it serves as a reminder of the truly remarkable range of sizes that can be seen within the Saint Bernard breed.

Size Comparison

Comparing the size of Saint Bernards to other dog breeds

Saint Bernards are undeniably giant dogs, but how do they compare to other popular breeds? When it comes to sheer size and weight, few breeds can rival the Saint Bernard. They often tower over other breeds, such as the Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, or German Shepherd. While these breeds can also be large, they generally do not reach the same colossal proportions as a fully-grown Saint Bernard.

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Notable size differences

One notable size difference between Saint Bernards and other breeds is their weight. While some other large breeds may have a similar height, they often fall significantly short in weight compared to a Saint Bernard. This emphasizes the distinct body structure and bulk that sets them apart from other breeds. It’s important to be aware of these differences when considering the practical aspects of owning and caring for a dog of such impressive proportions.

Practical Considerations

Living space requirements for Saint Bernards

Given their substantial size, it’s essential to have ample living space when considering a Saint Bernard as a pet. These dogs need room to stretch their legs and move comfortably. A spacious yard or access to regular outdoor exercise areas is beneficial for their well-being. Additionally, Saint Bernards tend to be more comfortable in cooler climates, so providing appropriate shelter and keeping their living environment cool is crucial.

Size-related challenges and solutions

Owning a large dog like a Saint Bernard comes with its unique challenges. From fitting comfortably in a vehicle for trips to the vet to finding appropriate-sized beds and bowls, it’s important to anticipate and address these size-related obstacles. Specialty pet stores and online retailers often offer products designed specifically for large breed dogs like Saint Bernards. Researching and investing in these solutions can help ensure a smooth and comfortable living experience for both you and your beloved furry friend.

Care and Maintenance

Grooming needs for Saint Bernards

Despite their longhaired appearance, grooming a Saint Bernard is surprisingly manageable. Regular brushing is crucial to prevent mats and tangles, and it also helps remove loose hair. Their dense coat requires attention to keep it clean and healthy, especially around the ears, as they are prone to infections. Routine nail trimming, teeth brushing, and regular visits to a professional groomer will help maintain their overall hygiene.

Managing their size through exercise and training

Proper exercise and training are vital to maintaining a healthy weight and overall well-being for Saint Bernards. Although they may not require intense workouts, regular moderate exercise is essential to keep them fit and prevent obesity-related health issues. Leash walks, controlled play sessions, and occasional gentle hikes are suitable activities for these gentle giants. Additionally, early socialization and obedience training are crucial to ensure they grow into well-behaved and happy companions.


In conclusion, Saint Bernards are undeniably one of the largest dog breeds, capturing the hearts of many with their gentle nature and remarkable size. From their impressive appearance to their endearing personalities, these gentle giants are truly a breed like no other. Understanding the average size, growth stages, and factors affecting their size is crucial for anyone considering bringing a Saint Bernard into their home. With adequate care, attention, and proper understanding of their needs, these majestic dogs can make a wonderful addition to any family.