Effective Methods to Control Saint Bernard Drooling

Are you a proud Saint Bernard owner who is tired of constantly wiping up drool all over your home? If so, you’re in luck! In this article, you will discover effective methods to control Saint Bernard drooling. Say goodbye to soggy towels and hello to a clean and dry environment. Your furry friend will thank you, and you’ll be able to enjoy your time together without the constant mess. So, let’s dive in and learn how to stop Saint Bernard drooling once and for all!

Understanding Saint Bernard Drooling

Saint Bernards are known for their lovable and gentle nature, but they also have a reputation for excessive drooling. If you own a Saint Bernard or are considering getting one, it’s important to understand the causes of this drooling and its impact on your furry friend.

Causes of excessive drooling in Saint Bernards

There are several reasons why Saint Bernards may drool more than other dog breeds. One common cause is their large jowls and loose lip skin, which allows saliva to accumulate and drip. Additionally, Saint Bernards have a tendency to drool when they are excited, anxious, or anticipating food. Some health conditions, such as dental problems or gastrointestinal issues, can also contribute to excessive drooling in Saint Bernards.

Impact of excessive drooling on Saint Bernards

While drooling is a normal behavior for Saint Bernards, excessive drooling can have negative effects on their well-being. It can lead to skin irritation, especially around the mouth and chin, and cause an unpleasant odor. Excessive drooling may also result in discomfort for your furry friend, as their fur and bedding can become damp and sticky. Therefore, it is necessary to take steps to control and manage their drooling.

Maintaining Good Oral Health

Regular teeth brushing, just like humans need, is essential for keeping your Saint Bernard’s oral health in check. Brushing their teeth at least two to three times a week with a dog-friendly toothbrush and toothpaste specially formulated for dogs is highly recommended. Not only does this prevent tartar buildup and cavities, but it also helps reduce the excessive drooling caused by dental issues.

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Providing dental treats and chew toys, specifically designed to promote dental health, is another effective way to maintain good oral hygiene in your Saint Bernard. These treats and toys can help remove plaque and tartar from their teeth, reducing the risk of dental problems and excessive drooling.

Controlling Saint Bernard Diet

The diet of a Saint Bernard plays a crucial role in managing drooling. Avoid feeding them spicy and fatty foods, as these can stimulate saliva production and exacerbate drooling. Opt for a high-quality, balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs without excessive fat or spices.

Instead of feeding large meals, consider dividing their daily food intake into smaller, more frequent meals. This helps prevent overeating, reduce the production of saliva, and minimize drooling. Additionally, it is essential to ensure that your Saint Bernard is always properly hydrated. Dehydration can increase drooling, so make sure they have access to fresh water at all times.

Training Techniques to Manage Drooling

Training your Saint Bernard can go a long way in managing their drooling. Teach them the ‘Stay’ command, which can help keep them in a specific area when necessary. By using positive reinforcement techniques, such as treats and praise, you can encourage them to stay calm and reduce their drooling.

During meals, distraction techniques can be effective in redirecting their attention and minimizing drooling. For example, you can engage them in interactive toys or give them puzzle feeders to keep them mentally stimulated while eating.

Managing Anxiety and Excitement

Anxiety and excitement often trigger excessive drooling in Saint Bernards. Creating a calm environment for your furry friend can help reduce their anxiety levels and minimize drooling. Provide a quiet and comfortable space where they can retreat to when they feel overwhelmed. This can include a cozy corner with their bed and blankets.

Gradual desensitization to trigger situations can also be helpful. If your Saint Bernard tends to drool excessively during car rides or visits to the vet, start by exposing them to these situations in short and manageable intervals. Gradually increase the duration and intensity over time to help them adapt and reduce drooling.

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In some cases, using anxiety wraps or calming supplements can provide additional relief. Anxiety wraps, such as Thundershirts, provide gentle pressure that helps soothe and calm your Saint Bernard, reducing their anxiety and consequent drooling. Calming supplements, which can be discussed with your veterinarian, may also help alleviate anxiety.

Using Protective Measures

To minimize the mess caused by drooling, it’s helpful to use protective measures. Drool bibs or bandanas can be placed around their neck to catch the saliva and prevent it from splattering on furniture or clothing. These items can be easily washed or replaced, keeping your Saint Bernard and your home clean.

Placing absorbent mats near common drooling areas, such as their food and water bowls or favorite resting spots, can also be effective. These mats absorb the saliva and prevent it from spreading, making cleanup easier and keeping your floors dry.

Regularly wiping your Saint Bernard’s mouth with a soft cloth or gentle wipes can help keep their mouth clean and dry. This not only reduces excessive drooling but also prevents skin irritation and discomfort.

Medical Interventions

If your Saint Bernard’s drooling is persistent and severe, it’s important to consult with a veterinary professional. They can evaluate your furry friend for any underlying health conditions that may be contributing to excessive drooling. Dental issues, oral infections, or gastrointestinal problems are common culprits that require prompt medical attention and treatment.

Treating the underlying health conditions, such as dental cleanings or medication, can significantly reduce drooling in Saint Bernards. However, medications should always be considered as a last resort and used under the guidance of a veterinarian.

Grooming and Preening

Regular grooming is essential for managing drooling in Saint Bernards. Brush their coat at least once a week, using a brush specifically designed for their fur type. Regular brushing helps remove loose hair, dirt, and debris, preventing it from becoming tangled and exacerbating drooling.

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To minimize drooling, trimming the facial hair around their mouth can be helpful. This reduces the surface area for saliva to accumulate and keeps their mouth relatively dry. Consider seeking professional grooming services for precise trimming and to avoid any accidental injuries.

Optimizing your Saint Bernard’s overall hygiene, such as bathing them regularly and keeping their ears clean, helps maintain their well-being and minimize any potential triggers for excessive drooling.

Monitoring and Observation

Keeping an eye on your Saint Bernard’s drooling behavior is essential for their health and well-being. Maintain a record of drooling triggers, noting any specific situations or events that seem to cause excessive drooling. This can help you identify patterns and better manage your furry friend’s drooling.

Be attentive to any changes in their drooling behavior. If you notice a sudden increase in drooling, excessive drooling that doesn’t subside, or any other concerning symptoms accompanying the drooling, such as loss of appetite or lethargy, consult with a veterinarian. These signs may indicate an underlying health issue that requires prompt attention.

Creating a Comfortable Resting Area

A comfortable resting area is crucial for a Saint Bernard, both for their overall well-being and in managing drooling. Provide elevated bedding, such as a cot or raised platform, to prevent the pooling of drool. This elevation helps keep their fur and the underlying surface dry and clean.

Good ventilation is also important in reducing heat-induced drooling. Ensure that their resting area is well-ventilated and not in direct sunlight or near heating sources. This helps regulate their body temperature and minimizes excessive drooling due to overheating.

Using water-resistant materials for bedding and other surfaces in their resting area is highly recommended. These materials are easy to clean and prevent the absorption of saliva, making cleanup hassle-free.

In conclusion, while Saint Bernard drooling is a common characteristic of the breed, there are effective methods to control and manage it. Maintain good oral health, control their diet, employ training techniques, manage anxiety and excitement, use protective measures, seek medical interventions when necessary, groom and preen regularly, monitor and observe their drooling behavior, and create a comfortable resting area. By implementing these strategies, you can ensure a happier and healthier life for your beloved Saint Bernard.