Do Saint Bernards enjoy swimming?

Picture this: a sunny summer day, a clear blue sky, and a sparkling pool inviting you for a refreshing dip. As you leap into the cool water, you find yourself wondering, do Saint Bernards, those gentle giants of the dog world, also relish the joy of swimming? Are they inclined to embrace the water with the same enthusiasm as we do? These lovable creatures with their massive frames and kind hearts often bring to mind images of them rescuing stranded climbers in the Swiss Alps, but what about their affinity for aquatic activities? Let’s dive into the depths of curiosity and discover whether Saint Bernards truly enjoy swimming.


Saint Bernards as water dogs

When it comes to water-related activities, one might not immediately think of the majestic Saint Bernards. Known for their massive size and gentle personalities, these gentle giants have actually been historically bred as water rescue dogs in the Swiss Alps. Despite their image as cuddly companions, Saint Bernards have a natural affinity for the water and can excel in swimming activities. So, let’s explore the curious relationship between Saint Bernards and swimming.

Curiosity about Saint Bernards and swimming

As a Saint Bernard owner or someone considering bringing one into your family, you may have found yourself wondering about their affinity for water. It’s not uncommon to question whether these big, fluffy dogs enjoy swimming or if it is safe for them. This article aims to address these curiosities and shed light on the water-related capabilities and behaviors of Saint Bernards, while also giving insight into how to introduce them to swimming and maximize their enjoyment in the water.

Physical characteristics of Saint Bernards

Size and weight

Saint Bernards are renowned for their impressive size, with adult males typically weighing between 140 to 180 pounds and standing around 27.5 to 30 inches tall at the shoulder. Their sheer mass can often lead to misconceptions about their ability to swim comfortably. However, despite their size, these dogs possess physical characteristics that actually enhance their swimming abilities.

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Thick fur and double coat

One of the standout features of Saint Bernards is their thick fur, which serves as excellent insulation during cold alpine winters. While this fur may seem counterproductive for swimming, it actually aids in keeping the dog warm and buoyant in the water. The dense undercoat and longer outer fur provide natural insulation, allowing Saint Bernards to enjoy longer swimming sessions even in cooler temperatures.

Webbed feet

Another fascinating physical attribute that contributes to Saint Bernards’ swimming skills is their webbed feet. These large, firmly structured paws provide them with increased agility and propel them through the water more efficiently. The webbing allows for greater surface area, assisting in generating propulsion and maintaining balance in the water. With their powerful paddle-like feet, Saint Bernards are well-equipped for aquatic adventures.

Instinctual behaviors of Saint Bernards

History as rescue dogs in the Alps

Saint Bernards have a storied past as rescue dogs in the Swiss Alps, famous for their missions to find and save stranded travelers in harsh mountain terrains. Because of their training and innate instincts, they are natural-born heroes in challenging conditions. This history of using their skills in water and snow rescue missions speaks to their innate qualities that make them capable swimmers.

Natural instinct to save and help

Beyond their rescue dog heritage, Saint Bernards have an inherent desire to save and help. Their gentle and nurturing nature extends to protecting their human companions, which includes providing assistance in water-related situations. These dogs have an uncanny ability to sense distress and react accordingly, making them excellent swimming companions for those in need of a little extra support in the water.

Water-related activities for Saint Bernards

Introduction to swimming

If you’re eager to introduce your Saint Bernard to the joys of swimming, take it slow and steady. Start by allowing them to explore shallow bodies of water, such as a calm lake or a pool with a gradual slope. Be patient and provide reassurance during the initial encounters with water.

Benefits of swimming for Saint Bernards

Swimming offers numerous benefits for Saint Bernards. It provides them with a low-impact exercise option that is easy on their joints and bones, which is especially crucial for larger breeds prone to hip dysplasia and arthritis. The buoyancy of water alleviates pressure on their bodies, allowing them to move freely and build strength without excessive strain. Additionally, swimming helps to improve cardiovascular health and muscle tone, keeping Saint Bernards physically fit and mentally stimulated.

Training Saint Bernards to swim

Starting with shallow water

When training your Saint Bernard to swim, start them off in shallow water where they can touch the ground comfortably. This will help build their confidence gradually. Be patient and provide plenty of encouragement throughout the process. Some dogs may take to the water immediately, while others may require some additional time and reassurance.

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Positive reinforcement and rewards

Training any dog, including Saint Bernards, requires positive reinforcement. Praise and treats can go a long way in motivating and rewarding desired behaviors. Whenever your Saint Bernard takes a step towards swimming, whether it’s dipping their paws in the water or venturing further, provide verbal praise and a small treat to reinforce their progress.

Safety precautions

As with any water activity, safety should always be a top priority. Ensure your Saint Bernard is wearing a properly fitted life jacket that provides buoyancy and visibility. This will not only keep them safe but also give you peace of mind. Additionally, be aware of the water conditions, such as currents or waves, and select swimming areas without hazards or strong currents. Regularly check the water temperature, as extreme temperatures can pose risks to your dog’s health.

Enjoyment of swimming for Saint Bernards

Individual preferences

Just like humans, dogs have unique preferences when it comes to activities. Some Saint Bernards may take to swimming immediately, while others may require more time to warm up to the idea. Respect your dog’s individual preferences and never force them into a situation that makes them uncomfortable. It’s essential to create a positive and enjoyable experience to foster their love for swimming.

Observing signs of enjoyment

To gauge your dog’s enjoyment while swimming, observe their body language. If they appear relaxed, have a wagging tail, and willingly enter the water, it’s a positive sign that they are enjoying the activity. Pay attention to their energy levels before and after swimming, as an excited and contented demeanor indicates their pleasure in this water-based exercise.

Bonding with owners

Swimming with your Saint Bernard can also create a special bond between you and your furry friend. The shared experience of exploring the water together can strengthen your relationship and enhance the trust and companionship you have. The joy on their face as they splash around and the affectionate nuzzles they may give you after the swim are lovely rewards for both you and your Saint Bernard.

Common concerns and misconceptions

Fear of water

Despite their natural abilities, it is not uncommon for some Saint Bernards to have a fear of water or swimming. This fear can often be attributed to a lack of early exposure or a negative past experience. If your Saint Bernard is apprehensive about swimming, consult a professional dog trainer or behaviorist who can help address this fear through positive reinforcement techniques and gradual exposure to water.

Health risks

While swimming offers numerous benefits, it’s important to be mindful of potential health risks. Saint Bernards are susceptible to certain conditions such as ear infections, especially if their ears are not properly dried after swimming. Regular grooming and ear cleaning can help prevent these issues. Additionally, be cautious of waterborne parasites and bacteria that can cause illness. Always ensure that the swimming area is clean and free from any potential hazards.

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When engaging in any physical activity, including swimming, it’s crucial to monitor your Saint Bernard’s energy levels. These dogs may have a tendency to overexert themselves due to their natural drive to provide assistance. Keep an eye out for signs of fatigue or difficulty swimming, such as excessive panting, slowed movement, or reluctance to continue. Establish a balanced swimming routine that matches your dog’s stamina and gradually increase their time in the water as they become more proficient swimmers.

Tips for swimming with Saint Bernards

Choosing appropriate swimming locations

When selecting swimming areas for your Saint Bernard, opt for places that offer calm waters and minimal distractions. Avoid areas with strong currents or potentially dangerous wildlife. Fenced-in pools or designated dog-friendly beaches are often ideal choices where you can ensure the safety of your dog and allow them to enjoy their swimming adventures.

Using life jackets

No matter how confident your Saint Bernard is in the water, it’s best to have them wear a properly fitted life jacket. Even strong swimmers can become fatigued or face unexpected challenges in the water. A life jacket provides additional buoyancy, ensures their visibility, and offers peace of mind for both you and your dog.

Monitoring water temperature

Pay attention to the water temperature whenever you take your Saint Bernard for a swim. Extreme cold or hot water can be uncomfortable and potentially dangerous for your furry companion. While cold water can be invigorating on a hot day, ensure it’s not too cold to affect their well-being. Similarly, avoid hot water that could cause overheating or burns.

Other water activities for Saint Bernards


If you’re an avid boater or enjoy spending time on the water, consider including your Saint Bernard in your boating adventures. With their natural abilities and affinity for water, they can make excellent boat companions. Remember to follow boating safety guidelines and provide your dog with a safe and secure spot on the boat, ensuring they have access to shade and fresh water.

Dock diving

For Saint Bernards who truly embrace swimming, dock diving can be an exciting and stimulating activity. This sport involves racing down a dock and leaping into the water to retrieve a toy. It allows your dog to showcase their natural jumping and swimming abilities. Dock diving competitions are popular and can be an enjoyable way to bond with your Saint Bernard while showcasing their skills and athleticism.

Water games

Aside from swimming and organized water activities, Saint Bernards can also enjoy fun water games at home. Setting up a kiddie pool or sprinkler in your backyard can provide them with a refreshing and entertaining experience. Many Saint Bernards delight in splashing and chasing water streams, making it a perfect way to have some outdoor bonding time with your four-legged friend.


Saint Bernards can enjoy swimming with proper training and precautions

While it may come as a surprise to some, Saint Bernards are indeed water dogs at heart. Their physical characteristics, history as rescue dogs, and natural instincts all contribute to their ability to embrace swimming with enthusiasm. By following appropriate training methods, introducing safety precautions, and respecting your Saint Bernard’s preferences, you can ensure a delightful and beneficial swimming experience for both you and your loyal companion.

Benefits of swimming for overall well-being

Swimming offers numerous benefits for Saint Bernards, promoting their overall well-being and happiness. From providing low-impact exercise to improving cardiovascular health and muscle tone, swimming is an excellent activity to keep them physically fit and mentally stimulated. It also creates opportunities for bonding and strengthens the special connection between owners and their furry friends. So, embrace the water with your Saint Bernard and enjoy the many joys swimming can bring to their lives.